DJ Luca Lamberti


DJ Luca Lamberti has come all the way from Rome! He is a well known tango DJ, teacher, and dancer in the European and Asian tango circuit.

Luca has been around to the UK, France, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Turkey, Lebanon, Denmark, Bulgaria, Italy spreading his unique spiritual approach to tango.

Dancing since the year 2000 and studying with key tango world figures such as Naveira, Parilla, and Inza, Luca has been the organiser of TangoCamp Italy since 2009 and a key figure in the other three tango camp festivals.

DJ Schedule


Date, Time, Location Description
Wednesday 16th October 2024
20:00 to 23:00
Perth Tango Club 
Fabio & Michelle  Welcome Milonga Milonga 

In the grandeur of the heritage Perth Tango Club hall, we extend a warm welcome to Fabio & Michelle.

DJ Rodrigo FontiRodrigo Fonti

Friday 18th October 2024
20:00 to 00:00
Regent Ballroom
Opening Gala Milonga 

Under the chandeliers of the Regent Ballroom Let’s welcome Maria & Sergiy with live music by the Mendoza Quartet, and a performance by the fabulous Fabio & Michelle.

DJ Rodrigo FontiRodrigo Fonti


Saturday 19th October 2024
20:00 to 00:00
Perth Town Hall
Grand Gala Milonga 

In the elegant setting of the Perth Town Hall, immerse yourself in the melodies of the Mendoza Quartet and a performance by the world-renowned duo, Maria & Sergiy.

DJ Luca Lamberti


Sunday 20th October 2024
14:30 to 17:30
Old Tea Pavilion
Wild Flowers Milonga 

Transport yourself to the picturesque Old Tea Pavilion during our afternoon milonga, featuring DJ Luca Lamberti from Italy.  Arrive early and stroll through the breath-taking display of  Western Australia’s unique wild spring flowers.

DJ Luca Lamberti

Sunday 20th October 2024
20:00 to 00:00
Perth Tango Club
Farewell Milonga

Join us for a farewell gathering at the historic Perth Tango Club Hall where we’ll dance to the tunes of the Perth Tango Orchestra and enjoy a performance by our talented Perth Tango Ballet.


Wednesday 23rd October 2024
20:00 to 23:00
Perth Tango Club
Maria and Sergiy Farewell Milonga

We conclude this wonderful week and bid farewell to Maria and Sergiy at the Perth Tango Hall, accompanied by the beats of DJ Rodrigo Fonti.

DJ Rodrigo FontiRodrigo Fonti